2020-01 An Unusual Beginning of a Year

About Butters

Chinese New Year Trip

During the year of SARS, I lived in school separated from the world, so I was not that nervious at all. But now I put on face mask on the first notice. The pandemic just starts to spread, and not all of the people in public wear masks.

I bought a round trip flight with barely any discount. I tried to travel via trains transfering in Beijing. Even though I was able to score a ticket from Shenzhen to Beijing, I couldn’t get the one from Beijing to Shenyang.

Butters’ Craps

During the prolonged holidays, I sorted through some old stuff of mine. I found two game strategy books reminding me that I used to be an idiotic teenager. “A Message to Garcia” is a book gifted by my elementary school teacher in the 2000s. It’s still in its original plastic wrapping. I gave it a read and realized I was lucky skipping the book when I was young and naive. And now it greatly boosted my confidence to write a book.


This is my first ever selfie stick, and the first time I used it in public.

My Cats: Eva and White

I got home for the Chinese New Year. Nice to be together with families and my cats.


Eva still remembered me, because she didn’t show any intention of hiding as she met strangers. And she came to me for protection from harrassment of the White.

Eva has been completely used to the life here. She even comes to the table asking for food every time we have a meal. She is easy to maintain, so she has more privilege than the White.


The White is another story. He likes to chase Eva running around. Even when Eva hides from him, he still runs like a crazy cat by himself.

Eva and White

Normally Eva dislike to interact with White, sometimes Eva will have a quick sniff of White and then quickly walk away. But I notice Eva starts to fight back at White’s harrassment, rather than just escaping. It’s a rare scene to see them resting next to each other.

Photo with Eva


Even though it’s almost Chinese New Year, girls on the streets still wear skirts. Still a lot of people hang out in Shenye Uptown mall.


A human-friendly kitten appears in the community, attracting a lot of children to the cuteness. Some kids ask their parents if they can keep it.


It’s a local custom to buy orange trees for Chinese New Year in Guandong. Almost all companies have one or two. Half of the booths in the New Year goods market are selling orange trees.


Wang, Guansong
Wang, Guansong
Data Worker

My research interests include distributed robotics, mobile computing and programmable matter.