2019-01 Monthly Selected Photos

I’m still between jobs. It’s said to be an economic winter for IT industry, in addtion that it’s close to the new year, so people are retreating.

Guozijian (National Academy)

My brother visits me before he goes back home for winter break. We go to Guozijian and Temple of Confucius. It’s cold and the street is empty.


The next generation have abilities beyond our imagination.

Random Things

Do these many make me an alcoholic? In the north, they put beer bottle dolls in the toy machine.

Long-haired Eva

Eva is a long-haired female cat, which are the three most enchanting characteristics.

Eva’s Hair Cut

Eva looks beautiful in her long hair. However, she becomes dusty after rolling on the floor, which she loves to do. And sometimes she’ll lick off a chunk of hair and swing her head to swallow it. Therefore Barber Butters is back online. I planned to only trim her chest. But I cannot resist it once start it. After the hair cut, Eva seems younger and smaller.

Short-haired Eva

Being shaped into a seemingly young boy, Eva has some sorrow in her eyes.

Eva’s New Spots

Maybe not happy about the hair cut, Eva starts to be unwilling to stay in the same room with me. Recently she likes to stay on the stool in the outer room, and sometimes on the heater cover in front of the window, companied by the kettle.

Eva Forced to Be With Butters

I use Eva as a scarf. A real fur does feel extremely comfortable.

The White

White loves to stretch his legs straightly out. He may looks like a cute little cat, but he bites with no holding back.

Eva vs. White

It has been a year since they met last time. From the time Eva gets home, White follow her to everywhere all the time. As long as you see Eva, you’ll find White nearby. Eva is not that into White, and she slaps him if he approach her. White doesn’t seem to care at all.

Wang, Guansong
Wang, Guansong

My research interests include distributed robotics, mobile computing and programmable matter.