A Song of Ice and Fire: A Dance with Dragons

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”

On and off, little by little, I finished the fifth book of A Song of Ice and Fire: A Dance with Dragons, and finally catched up with the current progress of the author and the TV. It was about one year ago that I started this book, and I paused for a long time in the middle. However, it’s almost the perfect time to finish: Game of Thrones season 6 is coming on April, just one month away.

This is a sad one. Unsurprisingly, people (particularly those you like) died. Although I’ve learned about certain death from the TV series and prepared for it, I could not help sigh for the sadness when I read it. Those who is still surviving have barely minimum control of their fate, pushed around by one event and another.

The book captures the reality through a imaginary world. Nice ending doesn’t necessary come to those who follow principle and loyalty. Protecting justice and freedom of others gains love just as much as hate. Dispicable beings may climb high on the expense of others’ fate, but again they aren’t immune to the flood of history.

Fortunately, the world of mine is not that cruel (or I wish). As the Jojen’s quote says, thanks to the author, I can follow the eyes of the characters to experience other kinds of lives. Looking forward to the new season, and of course next novel of the series.

Wang, Guansong
Wang, Guansong

My research interests include distributed robotics, mobile computing and programmable matter.